I read this from the internet way way back – Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase. To be honest, I have had mixed feelings about this quote, since I believe that we still need to look and consider the pathway and each steps we take in each life. After all, how would you plan and think of other alternatives if one thing does not work out the way we see or want, right?
But perhaps, I was looking at it wrong, and today, trying to see it from another view helped with my anxiousness – or better yet from my wife’s point of view.
To give a bit of back story, we had our youngest at December 21 last year. He is a bundle of joy, however, since day 1, he was really fussy and always crying, and most of the time, we are really worried why nothing can calm him.
Some days within that time frame, I saw a look on my wife’s face that I did not think I will see for the rest of our lives – hopelessness.
It happened a few weeks after he was born, and I woke up around 3-4 am, and I saw my wife just looking at him. No tears, just sadness and hopelessness. It was heartbreaking.
I did what I could and it was fine afterwards, but that moment never left me. I did try and see what we could do for our child. We tried our doctors, and we consulted about something my wife noticed – the connecting tissue of the tongue is kinda near the end.
My wife researched and all, I did nothing but worry inside. I was looking on alternatives or other approaches to this problem if it ever occurred, and what to do afterwards. Also what specialists should we talk to and where to talk to them. I even checked if there are special bottles or devices that might help. I was so overwhelmed with all the different possibilities that I end up doing nothing at all – at the same time my wife was looking for a way or a hint on what is wrong with our kid.
Jog a few days later, we tried a clinic near us that offers laser surgery or Frenectomy, and my wife’s suspicion is confirmed. And as of today, we had him operated. And let me tell you, it was not easy. It was heartbreaking listening on your kid cry to their full extent.
It them dawned on me now, as I listen to myself recall what happened today. I was so engaged with thinking of alternatives and other plans, when all I had to do, was look at the step in front of me – which my wife did beautifully. She just looked on the first thing that was in front of her – which is our kid – and she focused on that. Not thinking of what steps to take next and what to do afterwards. We just need to do what is needed for the next step.
Sure, it is hard and our kid is fussy and crying right now since his operation was just today, but at least we now know what to do next since we were advised and everything. If our kid gets a fever, we know what to give. If there are complications, we know who to call and what to do. We even were advised on what we should do for our kid. I was even blessed with a great boss who told me to focus on my family first rather on work.
It is really amazing how God sometimes nudges you to things that you should focus on. Stop looking at things that you cant control or better yet, cannot predict. It might be applicable for your everyday life – whether planning on going back to school, learning another skill in life, undertaking a project, or changing careers. Whatever it is, at least from our own perspective, stop worrying too much and focus on that next step in front.
Look at the steps in front of you. When you take it, only then the other steps will be visible.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.